The projects within the Mobility and Transport research programme address a range of topics, such as developments in the field of signal processing for automotive electronics, simulations of the dynamics of radial shaft seals, and repair methods for integral fibre-reinforced plastics.

As a commercial centre, Hamburg places great importance on identifying innovative solutions to challenges in mobility and transport. In the area of aeronautical engineering, HAW Hamburg has achieved a leading role in the development of cabin systems. Numerous collaborative projects with key actors in the region’s aeronautical engineering industry ensure the intensive transfer of research findings.

Digitalisation has opened up many options for technical developments in aeronautical and automotive engineering, necessitating a systematic analysis of what is possible and the constructive development of new approaches. Through the Mobility and Transport research programme, HAW Hamburg contributes significant know-how in this area.

Research Groups

Application of Dynamic Systems


Electric Mobility


Aeronautical Engineering
