International Business

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Start of studies

Orientation week (Bachelor)


Mathematics Preliminary Course


Dates and deadlines

Lecture and semester dates




Course timetable





Elective (4th semester)


Internship semester

The internship semester gives students the opportunity to obtain initial professional experience. It runs for 24 weeks and should be completed in the fifth semester.

The details are outlined in the Internship Guidelines (in German).

Contact person

Prof. Dr. Stefan Tuschl
Professor für Quantitative Methoden
Department Wirtschaft
Berliner Tor 5, Room 8.18
20099 Hamburg

Documents and forms

Degree course advising

Prof. Dr. Stephan Boll
Prof. für internationale Volkswirtschaftslehre
Department Wirtschaft
Berliner Tor 5, Room 9.20
20099 Hamburg
T +49 40 428 75-6987
nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail