Opportunities don't come about on their own

The provision of financial support to particularly gifted and capable students at HAW Hamburg through the Deutschlandstipendium is only possible with the participation of corporate and individual sponsors. The idea behind the Deutschlandstipendium, which was established by the federal government in 2010, is simple: together with private sponsors, the federal government and the states support gifted students in order to provide them with the best possible conditions for their studies and thus their careers.

Thank you to all of the sponsors who already support the Deutschlandstipendium at HAW Hamburg!

How does the Deutschlandstipendium work?


How does the Deutschlandstipendium benefit you?


How can I become a sponsor?


Deutschlandstipendium sponsors at HAW Hamburg

Thank you to all of the companies, individuals, foundations, clubs and anonymous donors who support the Deutschlandstipendium at HAW Hamburg!

At HAW Hamburg the Deutschlandstipendium is made possible by the following funders, amongst others:

  • Allgemeiner Hamburger Presseclub e.V.
  • Frau Anne Gerhard und Herr Wolfgang Jacobsen-Gerhard
  • Bonprix Handelsgesellschaft mbH
  • Karl Heinz Ditze Stiftung
  • Dr. Heinrich und Erika Kreye
  • Lufthansa Technik AG
  • MLP Finanzberatung SE
  • Raffinerie Heide GmbH
  • Stiftung HAW Hamburg
  • TÜV Nord e.V.
  • Vermächtnis Heinrichs
  • Verein deutscher Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare
  • Zonta Clubs Hamburg-Hanse e.V.
  • Zonta Club Hamburg

Contact information

Nancy Falke

Deutschlandstipendium Coordinator

Student's Center

Stiftstr. 69

20099 Hamburg


T +49.40.42875-9171

mailto:deutschlandstipendium (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de