Information for students

The next application period for the Deutschlandstipendium 2025/26 runs from the 1st to the 31st of December 2024. The application process is completely online.
You can apply here (during the application period only). 

Since the 2011 summer semester, the Deutschlandstipendium has awarded €300 per month to students whose accomplishments demonstrate the potential for outstanding achievements in both their studies and their careers.

Recipients are awarded the scholarship (in addition to BAföG funding) for at least two semesters and at most until the end of the standard period of study. This funding allows them to focus on their studies. It is not income dependent.

The concept of achievement followed in awarding the scholarship is deliberately broad: good grades and academic achievement are part of it, as are the readiness to take on responsibility and the successful overcoming of obstacles in one's own life and educational path.

Application requirements


Nature and scope of funding


Selection criteria


Application process


Notification regarding successful and unsuccessful applications


Contact information

Deutschlandstipendium Coordinator
Student Center

T +49.40.428 75-9171

deutschlandstipendium (@)