E-assessments – digital assignments and exams

Through the project 'E-assessments – digital assignments and exams', the Hamburg Ministry of Science, Research, Equality and Districts is supporting the development of online assignments to accompany lectures and the testing of digital exams in a secure examination environment at HAW Hamburg. The project goal is to produce a preliminary study on digital exams and a feasibility study regarding the establishment of a Hamburg-wide digital testing centre. We are cooperating with the following Hamburg universities: Hamburg University of Technology, Universität Hamburg, Hafen City University and the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.
Supplementary exercises that are available online at any time give students the opportunity to organise their learning individually. The immediate and differentiated feedback lets students know if they have understood and applied the course content correctly, and whether and where they still have work to do.
As part of the e-assessments project, Moodle-based online exercises for various MINT subjects (math, computer science, natural sciences and engineering) are being developed and tested in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. In the mathematical-technical subjects, STACK questions are used frequently in combination with the computer algebra system Maxima, which supports the entry of algebra formulas and signs. For programming with Java, a new type of question has been developed in Moodle which enables the creation and automatic evaluation of lecture-appropriate programming exercises.
Digital exams which can test the digital skills taught in a course, online and in accordance with constructive alignment, are important elements in the future design of teaching. The first components of secure digital exams in computer labs are currently being researched and tested as part of the e-assessments project.