Welcome to the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management Research and Transfer Centre (FTZ NK). Founded in 2007 the Research and Transfer Centre specialises on sustainability and climate change, including the interconnections between climate and health.We continue to undertake high-quality research projects; train BSc, MSc and PhD students; and hold high-profile events in Germany and around the world.

HAW Hamburg

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management Research and Transfer Centre
Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg
ftz-nk (at) ls.haw-hamburg (dot) de

T +49.40.428 75-6075
F +49.40.428 75 60 79

Prof. Dr. Walter Leal

Director, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management Research and Transfer Centre
Department of Life Sciences
Ulmenliet 20, Room 0.39
21033 Hamburg
T +49 40 428 75-6313

Appointments can be arranged via e-mail.