Our offers


The in-person office hours at the Berliner Tor Campus can unfortunately not be offered at the moment. You can reach us during the telephone office hours or via email.

Several open office hours are available for you each week. These can, for example, cover the following issues: semester planning, study techniques, organising your daily life as a student, consideration of special circumstances (Nachteilsausgleich), financing, leave of absence and re-entry into studies, discussion offers and sharing experiences, dealing with your illness in your interactions with fellow students and instructors, and mediation. All discussions are treated as confidential.

Students who are on the autism spectrum are also welcome to contact us via email at autismus@haw-hamburg.de with their advising request. 

Ongoing support

Are you looking for longer-term support – for example, during or following a phase of illness? In this case, a peer from your faculty can provide support over the course of a semester.

In regular appointments, we can offer you supportive conversations and practical assistance – for instance, with weekly and semester planning, applying for an absence of leave, or consideration of special circumstances (Nachteilsausgleich) in exams. We are also happy to accompany you to various appointments, such as those at the BAFöG (student financial aid) office, with the examinations committee or with instructors. Together with you we'll consider how this support can be adjusted to you individually so that you get through the semester successfully.

  Get in touch with a peer in your faculty.

Our offers


Dialogue evenings

Our dialogue evenings for students who are experiencing psychological stressors are a safe space where you can share experiences with other students in a similar position. Here you'll find a place to talk about everything you're currently dealing with, listening ears, support, and new input from the other participants.

You can make new acquaintances outside your department, learn about your rights at the university and how to stand up for them, and obtain information about additional possibilities for getting support.

The dialogue evenings are moderated by two peers and take place twice a month. Registration isn't necessary, and new faces are always welcome.

The dialogue evening takes place every second Wednesday from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm via MS Teams.

The upcoming dates are 19 April and 3 May.

Those interested in attending can joint the team 'Peer-to-Peer-Dialogabend' or use this link.

Contact information: verena.winkler (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de


Shared experiences – group discussion of autism

For students on the autism spectrum, everyday student life is characterised by additional challenges. It requires a great deal of attention and energy to interpret other people's social cues, and a different filtering of stimuli leads to sensitivity to noise and light. This can cause concentration problems, difficulties making social contacts, tension when in public, and exhaustion.

Are you familiar with these feelings? Would you like to meet others who feel the same way? We meet every two weeks for a moderated group discussion about our experiences. We talk about our interactions with fellow students and instructors, how to deal with unstructured situations, our daily life as students, and anything else that is on our minds.

This offer is not limited to HAW Hamburg. Affected students from all Hamburg universities are welcome.

Contact information: autismus (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de

Open meeting for chronically ill students

Sometimes life places stones in your path, and sometimes gigantic boulders. A chronic illness, such as rheumatism, a chronic inflammatory illness in the colon or multiple sclerosis, can be such a boulder. It grants you periods of peace from time to time, but often flames up exactly when you least need it. During a relapse you are impaired in many areas. Studying can also become more complicated, and you may sometimes wish that you could just study exactly like everyone else. You are not alone in feeling this way!

At the open meeting for chronically ill students, we offer you a space for all your experiences, questions and worries surrounding life and studies with a chronic illness. Additionally, you have the opportunity to talk with other students in similar situations. Topics can include attendance requirements, extending and planning your studies, consideration of special circumstances (Nachteilsausgleich), and dealing with your illness in everyday university life.

The meeting dates are 19 April, 3 May, 17 May, 31 May, 14 June, 28 June, 12 July, 26 July, 9 August, 23 August – from 5:15 pm to 7:15 pm.

Please register by contacting: laura.paulsen (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de

Group meetings

Group meetings cannot currently be held on campus. The group discussion of shared experiences with autism is being held online for the time being. For more information please contact: autismus@haw-hamburg.de