Academic excellence scholarships
HAW Hamburg awards scholarships to high-performing international Bachelor's students as of the third subject semester and to international Master's students as of the second subject semester. The funding for the scholarships is provided by the City of Hamburg.
Application criteria
You can apply for an excellence scholarship if you fulfil the following criteria:
- You are an international student at HAW Hamburg.
- You obtained your higher education entrance qualification abroad or you have successfully completed preparatory studies at a German Studienkolleg.
- You have completed at least two semesters (Bachelor's students) or one semester (Master's students) at HAW Hamburg and are still within the standard period of study (generelle Regelstudienzeit) of your degree course.
- You are not receiving BAföG or other government funding.
- Your average grade is at least 2.2.
Duration and amount of funding
The excellence scholarships are awards of at least €1,800 and are granted for one semester.
Application deadlines
Summer semester: 30 March each year
Winter semester: 30 September each year
Unfortunately, applications received after these deadlines cannot be considered.
Application documents
If you are applying for an excellence scholarship for the first time, you will need letters of recommendation from two instructors in your degree course. Master's students who have already received an excellence scholarship during their Bachelor studies are also required to submit two current letters of reference. All other students who have already submitted two letters are not required to submit them again. Please do not submit more than two letters of recommendation.
The following documents must be submitted:
- CV (max. 2 pages)
- Certificate of enrolment from myHAW
- Current transcript from myHAW with information about average grade and completed credit points
- For students whose average grade and credit points are not listed in their transcript (this currently applies to all degree courses in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, with the exception of Automotive Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering), the International Office will request the average grade and credit points from the FSB after the application deadline.
- Copy of your residency permit (non-EU citizens) or a copy of your passport or personal ID card (EU citizens)
- Bank account information form
- Financial circumstances form
- letters of recommendation (professors send their letters directly to io_scholarships (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de)
Submitting your application
Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, please upload them to the Application portal (Mobility Online) before the deadline. Be sure to allow yourself enough time. We will inform you about the outcome of your application within four weeks after the deadline.
Additional FAQs
Residency permits
Which residency permit do I need to have in order to apply for an excellence scholarship?
Students with residency status pursuant to section 16 of the federal residency act (residency for the purpose of study) and EU citizens are eligible to apply for the scholarships issued by the International Office, if they are not eligible for BAföG or other state funding. International students who are refugees cannot apply for these scholarships. International students with a different residency status can only apply in exceptional cases and following clarification of their individual situation. Foreign students with dual citizenship, one of which is German, are not eligible to apply.
I currently have only a temporary residence permit (Fiktionsbescheinigung). Can I still apply?
Selection process
How are the scholarship recipients selected?
Once all of the applications have been reviewed, applicants will be allocated points on the basis of their average grades, the average number of credit points per semester, and the letters of reference. This ranking will serve as a guide for the selection committee. Other criteria such as students' financial situation or whether they have already received the scholarship will also be considered. In the case of students who have already received a scholarship, the committee will assess whether their performance has improved relative to the previous application.
When can I expect a decision?
You can generally expect to hear about the outcome of your application within four weeks of the deadline.
BAföG (student financial aid)
Am I eligible for an excellence scholarship if I am receiving BAföG (student financial aid)?
When are international students eligible to receive BAföG?
You are eligible to receive BAföG if you fulfil the criteria listed in section 8 of the federal law on student financial assistance (BAföG) . If you are uncertain whether you meet these criteria, please contact the Student Financial Aid Advising Centre before submitting your application. You should be sure to do this in the following cases:
- You do not have a residency permit under section 16 of the Aufenthaltsgesetz (the federal residency act).
- You are an EU citizen and you have a student job or worked in Germany before your studies.
- You are married to a German citizen who is working in Germany.
Application criteria
I was placed in the third semester but have only studied at HAW Hamburg for one semester so far. Can I still apply for a scholarship?
No, unfortunately not. You must have studied at HAW Hamburg for at least two semesters and be able to demonstrate your performance.
I am currently completing an interim semester (I am enrolled for a Master's degree course but am still writing my Bachelor's thesis). Can I apply for a scholarship?
No. In this case you can apply for a degree completion grant.
I am studying for a Master of Public Health or the European Master of Medical Technology and Healthcare Business. Can I apply for a scholarship?
Unfortunately not. Students in continuing professional education or fee-based degree courses as well as students in joint or double degree courses are excluded from receiving support.
My average grade is 2.29. Do I fulfil the application criteria?
Yes. Only the first number following the decimal point is taken into account.
Multiple scholarships
Am I permitted to receive other scholarships in addition to an excellence scholarship?
Receiving other scholarships in addition to an excellence scholarship is not permitted. However, you can apply for multiple scholarships in order to increase your chances of receiving funding.
Volunteer activity
Does volunteer activity play a role in applications for an excellence scholarship?
Volunteer activity is not a criterium for an excellence scholarship. However, instructors can note particular academic engagement – for example, in projects or events – in their letters of reference.
If you have undertaken international activities on a volunteer basis at HAW Hamburg, you can apply for ascholarship for exceptionally socially committed students.
Financial situation
Why do I have to indicate my financial situation in my application?
If you are supporting yourself financially (not receiving support from your parents, spouse or friends), you can receive extra points for your application depending on your income.
Maximum funding duration
Is there a limit to how often I can receive the scholarship?
You can receive an excellence scholarship for maximum 2 years (4 semesters). However, other criteria such as the total number of applications are considered in the respective selection process. Additionally, you can apply for a scholarship for highly committed students and for a Degree Completion Grant at Studierendenwerk Hamburg.
Letters of reference
How many letters of reference do I need?
For your initial application you need letters of reference from two instructors in your degree course. If you apply again during the same degree, you don't need any additional letters of reference. If you received funding during your Bachelor's degree and are applying again during your Master's degree, you will need two current letters of reference.
When should I request the letters?
Request your letters of reference as early as possible – ideally following the last exam phase and at least two weeks before the deadline. Instructors may decline your request for a letter if you ask too late.
Who should I ask for a letter of reference?
It is best to ask professors who are able to assess your work well because you have participated actively in their courses.
How are the letters of reference submitted?
Send the letter of reference form to each instructor digitally, with your personal information already entered. The instructors will then send the completed letters to the International Office email address.
Can I submit more than two letters of reference?
Please only request letters from two instructors, otherwise you will be creating unnecessary work for the additional instructors.
What should I do if some of my exam results have not been recorded in my online transcript?
Please contact the instructor or professor in question and ask them to publish their exam results. If all of the exam results have still not been published by the application deadline, please submit an overview of the exams you were registered for. If you completed an internship in the previous semester that has not yet been entered, you can also submit a letter of confirmation from the company where you completed the internship.
I did not receive any grades last semester, or in my degree course the grades won't be assessed/entered until a subsequent semester. Can I still apply?
Because your study achievements are an important assessment criteria for your application, you cannot apply if you don't have any grades for the previous semester in your transcript. In this case you should contact your professors and ask if it is possible for your work to be assessed earlier and your grades entered.
Mobility Online
What is Mobility Online ?
Mobility Online is the application portal where you need to register in order to apply for a scholarship. Once you have created a profile, you can upload your application documents.
When does Mobility Online begin accepting applications?
The portal is usually activated four weeks before the particular deadline.
How much time should I allow for the application?
You should register as early as possible on Mobility Online – at least one week before the application deadline – so that you have time to contact the International Office if you have technical difficulties or there is something you don't understand.
Letter of application
Do I need to submit a letter of application?
For an Excellence scholarship, you do not need to submit a letter of application.
Standard period of study (Regelstudienzeit)
What is the 'standard period of study' (Regelstudienzeit)?
The standard period of study is the amount of time allocated for the completion of your degree course (for Bachelor's degree courses at HAW Hamburg it is six or seven semesters; for Master's degree courses it is three or four semesters). As long as you haven't surpassed this number (of subject semesters), you are still within the standard period of study, regardless of how many credit points you have completed. What counts is the standard period of study (generelle Regelstudienzeit) as indicated on your enrolment certificate.
I have exceeded the standard period of study. Can I still apply for a scholarship?
If you fulfil the criteria, you can apply for a scholarship for exceptionally socially committed international students or a degree completion grant.