Application deadlines and applications

Please be sure to check the requirements for the individual programmes and the application documents required on the Europe/Erasmus+ and Studying overseas programme pages well ahead of time and to consult with your student exchange coordinator.

... for a study abroad stay at our partner universities

6 January for a study semester in the winter semester of the same year:

  • HAW goes USA
  • Global E³
  • Hong Kong (Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science and the Faculty of Life Sciences only)

26 February for a study semester in the winter semester of the same year and/or the following summer semester:

  • Erasmus+
  • HAW Worldwide

15 June for a study semester in the summer semester of the following year only:

  • HAW Down Under (Australia)
  • Unfilled study places: HAW Worldwide
  • Unfilled study places: Global E³ (if available)


To the Mobility Online application portal

You can prepare your application documents before the application portal is activated.
Before sending your form, please make sure that the information is correct (e.g. the semester you are applying for) and follow the information in the emails you receive as part of the application process.

Overseas application form
(for all overseas programmes except Global E³)
Global E³ application form

Erasmus+ application form

Log in to the portal
(to keep working on your application once you have sent the application form and successfully registered for the portal)


Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science
Marie Graf
Student Exchange Coordinator


Faculty of Life Sciences
Jana Polenz
Student Exchange Coordinator
Faculty of Life Sciences information



Faculty of Design, Media & Information
Dominique da Silva
Student Exchange Coordinator
Faculty of DMI Information


Faculty of Business & Social Sciences
Lea Andres
Student Exchange Coordinator
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences information