Double degree programmes
With HAW Hamburg's double degree and joint degree programmes, you can study abroad and be awarded two degrees or a joint degree from three universities. There are various degree programmes and models:
European Computer Science (Bachelor)
The six-semester Bachelor's programme in European Computer Science starts at HAW Hamburg. You will complete the first four semesters in Hamburg. You will spend the fifth and sixth semesters studying at a European partner university of your choice (see list below), where you will also write your Bachelor's thesis. The language of instruction and examination will be the local language or English. You will then receive the Bachelor of Science degree from HAW Hamburg and the Bachelor's degree from the partner university. Further information: ECS-Website
Frankreich: Université Francois Rabelais de Tours/Blois
Frankreich: Université de Lorraine - Metz
Finnland: Turku University of Applied Sciences
Italien: University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Romänien: West University of Timisoara
Portugal: Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
Spanien: Universidad de Burgos
EMMaH - Medical Technology & Healthcare (Master)
In the four-semester European Master of Medical Technology and Healthcare Business (EMMaH) programme, you will study in three countries. You start the first semester in Hamburg, spend the second semester in Porto, Portugal and the third semester in Lille, France. In the fourth semester, you will write your Master's thesis in the country of your choice. The language of instruction in all countries is English.
Graduates receive a Master's degree signed by the three universities.
Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto (IPP)
Université de Lille II, Faculté Ingénierie et Management de la Santé (ILIS)
International Business (Bachelor) - USA
As part of our cooperation with the University of Rhode Island, we are able to offer a small number of excellent Bachelor students in the "International Business" programme a year abroad in the USA. After four semesters of study at HAW Hamburg, you will spend the fifth and sixth semesters in Rhode Island. The internship semester can be completed before or after the stay in the USA. After the year in the USA, you complete your studies with the thesis semester in Hamburg. Further information (in German).
Upon successful completion of the programme, you will receive a Bachelor's degree from both universities.
Prerequisites for this programme are a grade point average of at least 2.0, a degree course in the standard period of study with 120 ECTS at the start of your stay in the USA and a very good command of English.
To take part in this programme, you must apply as part of the ‘HAW goes USA’ programme in November of a calendar year.
Please note: The tuition-free places are allocated by URI as part of the reciprocal exchange programme. This means that we can only offer places at URI when URI students come to Hamburg. The number of places therefore varies every year. As a rule, there are currently one or two places.
International Business (Bachelor) - Chile
As part of our cooperation with the Universidad de Talca, we are able to offer a small number of excellent Bachelor students on the International Business programme a year abroad in Chile.
Upon successful completion of the programme, you will receive Bachelor's degrees from both universities.
The requirements for this programme are a grade point average of at least 2.0, a degree with 120 ECTS at the start of the stay in Chile and a good knowledge of Spanish.
To take part in this programme, you must apply as part of the ‘HAWeltweit’ programme in February of a calendar year. Further information: Please contact Lea Andres
International Business (Master) - Schottland
The co-operation is between HAW Hamburg and Edinburgh-Napier University. HAW Hamburg Master's students study the first two semesters in the M.Sc. International Business programme and complete all examinations. You then go to Scotland for two trimesters (6.5 months) to study modules in the M.Sc. International Finance programme. In the first trimester, students complete four modules (totalling 40 ECTS). In the second trimester, you will write your thesis for the ENU (dissertation). You will then write your Master's thesis in Hamburg. The results of the ENU dissertation can be used for the Master's thesis (which is more extensive).
The programme is tuition fee-based. You pay a significantly reduced price of £5,500 (2024) for the programme in Edinburgh and receive the M.Sc. International Finance degree from ENU in addition to the MSc International Business from HAW Hamburg.
MSc International Business students will receive an eMail twice a year to inform them about this possibility. Contacts: Jan-Hendrik Schünemann (HAW Hamburg); Sibylle Ratz (Edinburgh Napier)
Food Science (Master) - Kasachstan
HAW Hamburg Master's students can obtain two degrees as part of the programme with the South Kazakhstan Auesov State University in Shymkent, Kazakhstan. They study the first semester in Hamburg, the second and third semester in Shymkent and write their Master's thesis again in Hamburg.
Participants receive the MSc Food Science (HAW Hamburg) and Food Technology (Master Kazakhstan) degrees.
The courses are offered in English.
To take part in this programme, apply as part of the ‘HAWeltweit’ programme in February of a calendar year. For further information: Jana Polenz
Renewable Energy Systems (Master) - Kasachstan
HAW Hamburg Master's students can obtain two degrees as part of the cooperation with the South Kazakhstan Auesov State University in Shymkent, Kazakhstan. They study the first semester in Hamburg, the second semester in Shymkent and write their Master's thesis again in Hamburg. Participants receive the MSc Renewable Energy Systems (HAW Hamburg) and Environmental Technology (Master Kazakhstan) degrees.
The programme is taught in English.
To take part in this programme, apply as part of the ‘HAWeltweit’ programme in February of a calendar year. For further information: Jana Polenz
Umwelttechnik (Bachelor) - Kasachstan
The cooperation with the German-Kazakh University (DKU) in Almaty includes a double degree programme (Bachelor) in environmental engineering. Students from HAW Hamburg can complete two to three semesters in Kazakhstan and receive a Bachelor's degree from the DKU with their HAW Hamburg degree.
They complete the first four semesters in Hamburg. The fifth semester is spent in Almaty (7th semester). In the sixth semester, you will complete an internship in Kazakhstan. The seventh semester can be completed either in the 8th semester in Almaty or in the 7th semester in Hamburg, including the Bachelor's thesis.
The courses in the third year of the Bachelor's programme are taught in German in Almaty by lecturers from German universities.
To take part in this programme, apply as part of the ‘HAWeltweit’ programme in February of a calendar year. For further information: Jana Polenz