Marketing and Innovation Management

Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Master's degree

Three key developments – digital transformation, technological change, and artificial intelligence   – are currently bringing about rapid and profound change in the business world and consequently in the practice of marketing. Our Master’s degree course in Marketing and Innovation Management enables students both to understand these processes of disruptive change and to become actively and responsibly involved in them.

The degree course revolves around three central specialist subjects, marketing management, technology management, and digital expertise, which provide students with an ideal set of tools for helping to manage sweeping economic and social change. Alongside teaching methodologies undergirded by scientific principles, we enable students to acquire strategic skills that provide them with a long-term basis for engaging with emerging dynamics of innovation and transformation in today’s business world.

Times of disruption, turmoil, and rapid technological change call for us to check our actions particularly carefully to ensure that they meet standards of ethics and sustainability; this type of reflection is crucial in our degree course and a vital skill for marketing professionals working in businesses on identifying, managing and proactively driving innovation. Our graduates leave us with an optimum toolkit for taking on management roles where business leadership, marketing and innovation management meet.

Good reasons to study Marketing and Innovation Management at HAW Hamburg


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