European Master of Medical Technology and Healthcare Business

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Do you have a first degree in biomedical engineering, hazard control, rescue engineering or a related discipline? With this course you can deepen your knowledge of the medical technology and healthcare business, a leading growth sector in national and global markets. Study technology at HAW Hamburg, obtain training in clinical application at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto and complete your business background courses at the University of Lille. You can choose your destination for the thesis.   

EMMaH – one international Master's degree course taught at three universities of applied sciences in three European countries.

Hamburg, Germany: University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Life Sciences
Lille, France: Université de Lille - Faculté Ingénierie et Management de la Santé
Porto, Portugal: Instituto Polytecnico do Porto-Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto

In 2021, the steering committee decided to include a new partner to the EMMaH programme: Taipei Medical University in Taiwan (TMU) ; based on the already existing cooperation between TMU and ULille. A new cooperation agreement is currently being signed.

EMMaH is a joint and multidisciplinary master program held by four higher education institutions. EMMaH was created in 2015 by the three original funders (ULille, IPP Porto and HAW Hamburg) and enlarged with TMU Taipei in 2021. EMMaH was granted the prestigious ERASMUS MUNDUS Label in 2022 and the very first Mundus Cohort started in September 2023.

You will find all the information about EMMaH Erasmus Mundus and how to apply on the website


No lectures are held at HAW Hamburg during the summer semester.

Study organisation

Contact information


Exam schedule


Module compendium


Course and examination regulations


Dates and deadlines

Lecture and semester dates


Semester date details for summer semester 2025


Course times




Student advisor

portrait:Bernd Flick
Prof. Dr. Bernd Flick
Professor for Electronics, Electro-, Measurement- and High-Frequency-Engineering
Department Medizintechnik
Ulmenliet 20, Room N5.07
21033 Hamburg
T +49 40 428 75-6384
EMMaH on social media EMMaH on social media

Main contact at HAW Hamburg

EMMaH (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de