Multichannel Trade Management in Textile Business

Master of Arts (M.A.)
Master's degree

Today’s world of international trade is a key pillar of global business and economic activity which both requires and makes possible the bundling and channelling of highly complex structures into efficient processes. In the textile trade - a sector where the pace is ever faster and the individuality of customer needs is increasing all the time – identifying new trends in the urban centres that drive the evolution of fashion is crucial, yet developing collections tailored to customer target groups across continents and selling them via a wide variety of channels, from physical stores to e-commerce, are no less vital to long-term business success.

The field of multichannel trade management links up balancing the books with catching on to trends as they happen; it needs highly-trained specialists who combine a head for figures and business sense with a flair for creative ideas. Accordingly, this degree course brings together modules in design-related subjects, textiles and business. Our graduates are ideally suited to successful careers in the textiles sector.

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