The research at HAW Hamburg focuses on the concrete needs of businesses and society. This emphasis on transfer is evident in the practically relevant student work, interdisciplinary research projects and major transdisciplinary research undertakings.
Research programmes
Energy and Sustainability
HAW Hamburg works actively on a wide range of renewable energy topics and areas of expertise. It is committed to delivering sustainable solutions to society’s energy-related problems.
Additional informationHealth and Nutrition
Societal and individual issues related to health and nutrition are reflected within HAW Hamburg’s research programme of the same name.
Additional informationIT, Communication and Media
The digitalisation of practically all areas of society is a key area of research at HAW Hamburg. This is reflected in the central importance of digitalisation within the university’s current structural and development plan.
Additional informationMobility and Transport
The projects within the Mobility and Transport research programme address a range of topics, such as developments in the field of signal processing for automotive electronics, simulations of the dynamics of radial shaft seals, and repair methods for integral fibre-reinforced plastics.
Additional informationDiverse Research Activities
The growing number of research projects at HAW Hamburg is also leading to increased diversity in the scientific questions investigated. The projects captured under the label ‘Diverse Research Activities’ address current societal challenges and represent an area of the university’s research with growth potential.
Additional information- Energy and Sustainability
- Health and Nutrition
- IT, Communication and Media
- Mobility and Transport
- Diverse Research Activities
HAW Hamburg Research and Transfer Department
Steindamm 103
20099 Hamburg
forschung (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de
T +49.40.428 75-9205
F +49.40.428 75-9869