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Project title | Unit | Funding | Duration | Status | Status | focal | fac_dep |
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | Federal government funding | 1470002400 08/2016 - 07/2019 | 1470002400 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Mobility and Transport; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Mobility and Transport; ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Department of Information and Electrical Engineering; ;Federal government funding; | |
CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | Federal government funding | 1483225200 01/2017 - 12/2021 | 1483225200 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;CC4E - Projektestartseite; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency; ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Department of Information and Electrical Engineering; ;Federal government funding; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | EU funding | 1504209600 08/2017 - 09/2020 | 1504209600 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (NK); ;Department of Health Sciences; ;EU funding; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | EU funding | 1506801600 09/2017 - 09/2020 | 1506801600 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Mobility and Transport; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Mobility and Transport; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (NK); ;EU funding; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | EU funding | 1506801600 09/2017 - 03/2021 | 1506801600 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (NK); ;Department of Health Sciences; ;EU funding; | |
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | Federal government funding | 1514761200 01/2018 - 06/2020 | 1514761200 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Department of Information and Electrical Engineering; ;Federal government funding; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1538380800 10/2018 - 12/2021 | 1538380800 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Diverse Research Activities; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Diverse Research Activities; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC CyberSec; ;Federal government funding; | |
Faculty of Design, Media and Information | German Research Foundation | 1551394800 03/2019 - 07/2021 | 1551394800 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;IT, Communication and Media; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;IT, Communication and Media; ;Faculty of Design, Media and Information; ;Department of Information, Media and Communication; ;German Research Foundation; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | EU funding | 1569873600 09/2019 - 09/2023 | 1569873600 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (NK); ;Department of Health Sciences; ;EU funding; | |
CCG - Competence Center for Health Faculty of Life Sciences | Other | 1575151200 11/2019 - 11/2021 | 1575151200 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Health and Nutrition; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Health and Nutrition; ;CCG - Competence Center for Health; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC Medicine, Health and Technology; ;Department of Health Sciences; ;Other; | |
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | Federal government funding | 1588284000 05/2020 - 04/2023 | 1588284000 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Department of Information and Electrical Engineering; ;Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production Management; ;Maschinelles Lernen; ;Federal government funding; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | Federal government funding | 1598904000 08/2020 - 02/2023 | 1598904000 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Health and Nutrition; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Health and Nutrition; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (NK); ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Federal government funding; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1614592800 03/2021 - 02/2024 | 1614592800 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Schwerpunktfelder; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC CyberSec; ;Drittmittelgeber; ;Federal government funding; | |
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | Other | 1617228000 04/2021 - 03/2023 | 1617228000 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Department of Information and Electrical Engineering; ;Drittmittelgeber; ;Other; | |
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences | Federal government funding | 1617279960 04/2021 - 03/2026 | 1617279960 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;CC4E - Norddeutsches Reallabor - Teilprojekte; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Faculty of Business and Social Sciences; ;Department of Business; ;Federal government funding; | |
Faculty of Design, Media and Information | German Research Foundation | 1627761600 07/2021 - 07/2024 | 1627761600 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;IT, Communication and Media; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;IT, Communication and Media; ;Faculty of Design, Media and Information; ;Department of Information, Media and Communication; ;German Research Foundation; | |
CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Faculty of Design, Media and Information Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1630447200 09/2021 - 02/2025 | 1630447200 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;CC4E - Projektestartseite; ;Federal government funding; ;CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency; ;Faculty of Design, Media and Information; ;Department of Media Technology; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Process Engineering; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Design, Media and Information Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1630507440 09/2021 - 08/2024 | 1630507440 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;Federal government funding; ;Faculty of Design, Media and Information; ;Department of Design; ;Department of Media Technology; ;Centre for Design Research; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (NK); ;IECCCH; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1630514640 09/2021 - 02/2023 | 1630514640 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Health and Nutrition; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Health and Nutrition; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Health Sciences; ;Federal government funding; | |
CCG - Competence Center for Health Faculty of Life Sciences | Other | 1638309600 11/2021 - 11/2024 | 1638309600 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Health and Nutrition; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Health and Nutrition; ;CCG - Competence Center for Health; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC Medicine, Health and Technology; ;Department of Health Sciences; ;Other; | |
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | EU funding | 1640988000 12/2021 - 06/2024 | 1640988000 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Diverse Research Activities; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Diverse Research Activities; ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production Management; ;EU funding; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | State research funding (Hamburg) | 1643583600 01/2022 - 07/2023 | 1643583600 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;IT, Communication and Media; | ;RTC CyberSec; ;State research funding (Hamburg); ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Industrial Engineering and Management; ;IT, Communication and Media; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Design, Media and Information | German Research Foundation | 1648756800 03/2022 - 03/2025 | 1648756800 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;IT, Communication and Media; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;IT, Communication and Media; ;Faculty of Design, Media and Information; ;Department of Information, Media and Communication; ;German Research Foundation; | |
CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency | Federal government funding | 1648764300 04/2022 - 09/2025 | 1648764300 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;Forschungsprojekte-Klassifizierung; ;CC4E - Projektestartseite; ;Drittmittelgeber; ;Federal government funding; ;CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency; ;Schwerpunktfelder; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | Foundations | 1657861020 07/2022 - 12/2023 | 1657861020 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;RTC Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (NK); ;Department of Health Sciences; ;Foundations; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | State research funding (Hamburg) | 1659304800 08/2022 - 07/2023 | 1659304800 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;IT, Communication and Media; | ;State research funding (Hamburg); ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Industrial Engineering and Management; ;RTC CyberSec; ;IT, Communication and Media; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1667257200 11/2022 - 10/2025 | 1667257200 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;Federal government funding; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Nutrition and Home Economics; ;Schwerpunktfelder; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences | EU funding | 1669849200 12/2022 - 11/2025 | 1669849200 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Mobility and Transport; | ;EU funding; ;Faculty of Business and Social Sciences; ;Department of Business; ;RTC Business Innovation Lab (BIL); ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Mobility and Transport; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | Federal government funding | 1671058800 12/2022 - 12/2025 | 1671058800 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Health and Nutrition; | ;Federal government funding; ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Department of Computer Science; ;CS4F; ;RTC Smart Systems; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Health and Nutrition; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | State research funding (Hamburg) | 1672527600 01/2023 - 06/2024 | 1672527600 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;IT, Communication and Media; | ;State research funding (Hamburg); ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Department of Computer Science; ;RTC Smart Systems; ;IT, Communication and Media; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1672569960 01/2023 - 12/2024 | 1672569960 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;Forschungsprojekte-Klassifizierung; ;CC4E - Projektestartseite; ;Drittmittelgeber; ;Federal government funding; ;CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Environmental Engineering; ;Schwerpunktfelder; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1677625200 03/2023 - 02/2026 | 1677625200 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Mobility and Transport; | ;Forschungsprojekte-Klassifizierung; ;CC4E - Projektestartseite; ;Drittmittelgeber; ;Federal government funding; ;CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Environmental Engineering; ;Schwerpunktfelder; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;Mobility and Transport; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Design, Media and Information | EU funding | 1681250400 04/2023 - 10/2026 | 1681250400 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;EU funding; ;Faculty of Design, Media and Information; ;Department of Media Technology; ;RTC Digital Reality; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
CCG - Competence Center for Health Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1685570400 06/2023 - 05/2026 | 1685570400 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Health and Nutrition; | ;Federal government funding; ;CCG - Competence Center for Health; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Health Sciences; ;Health and Nutrition; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | EU funding | 1685570400 06/2023 - 11/2024 | 1685570400 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;IT, Communication and Media; | ;RTC CyberSec; ;EU funding; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Industrial Engineering and Management; ;IT, Communication and Media; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | State research funding (Hamburg) | 1688162400 07/2023 - 12/2023 | 1688162400 | Abgeschlossen Completed | ;IT, Communication and Media; | ;State research funding (Hamburg); ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Industrial Engineering and Management; ;RTC CyberSec; ;IT, Communication and Media; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1693519200 09/2023 - 08/2025 | 1693519200 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;Federal government funding; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Health Sciences; ;RTC Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (NK); ;Energy and Sustainability; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science | German Research Foundation | 1694728800 09/2023 - 09/2026 | 1694728800 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;German Research Foundation; ;CC4E - Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency; ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science; ;Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production Management; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Forschung und Transfer | EU funding | 1698793200 11/2023 - 10/2026 | 1698793200 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Diverse Research Activities; | ;EU funding; ;Forschung und Transfer; ;Diverse Research Activities; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
CCG - Competence Center for Health Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1714514400 05/2024 - 12/2025 | 1714514400 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Health and Nutrition; | ;Federal government funding; ;CCG - Competence Center for Health; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Biomedical Engineering; ;RTC Medicine, Health and Technology; ;Health and Nutrition; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | Federal government funding | 1719784800 07/2024 - 12/2025 | 1719784800 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;IT, Communication and Media; | ;Federal government funding; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Industrial Engineering and Management; ;RTC CyberSec; ;IT, Communication and Media; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; | |
Faculty of Life Sciences | EU funding | 1733043600 12/2024 - 11/2027 | 1733043600 | Aktuell Ongoing | ;Energy and Sustainability; | ;Forschungsprojekte-Klassifizierung; ;Drittmittelgeber; ;EU funding; ;Faculty of Life Sciences; ;Department of Nutrition and Home Economics; ;Energy and Sustainability; ;von FuT eingetragen/geprüft; |