Since the war in Ukraine began, more than 700,000 people have fled to Germany. Approximately 20,000 of them are now living in Hamburg, including many academics, students and prospective students. The
In the busy main building at HAW Hamburg's Berliner Tor campus, Mykhailo Boiko seems a bit shy. Called Myko for short, he is only 17 years old. 'I'm lucky,' he says. 'If I were 18 I wouldn't have…
Wondering what you need to do if you have questions about applying, enrolling or taking leave for a semester? Or do you need to know where to go for advice about how and where a semester abroad is pos
The interview was carried out on 13 April 2022. At that time it was expected that FFP2 masks would remain mandatory at Hamburg's universities until 25 May. This regulation has now been changed as a…
The young woman at the table in the cafeteria could be a normal student or an academic staff member at the Bergedorf campus. She sits upright and brushes her bangs from her forehead from time to time,
Hello Professor Liubchenko. Where are you from? I am from Odesa (Одеса, editor's note ). In Ukrainian the city's name is written with only one 's'. It's important to me to say that, because the other…
Orientation units that allow new students to get to know their particular faculty and department together with other students have taken place in all of the faculties. Nevertheless: ‘We’re going to ha
For the last two years, HAW Hamburg and the Durban University of Technology (DUT) have had a cooperation agreement in place. Following the concretisation of this agreement in February 2020 by the inst
Our concern is particularly related to the fact that both ecosystems have been affected by man-made fires over the past years. This is especially so this year, 2020, where a new record of fires has be
Not all of Europe's roughly 500 million inhabitants dispose of their garbage properly. Disposable plastic lands in urban waters or ends up by the side of the road. At the first virtual meeting of the…