With the passing of the torch on 28 April and your official entry into the position at the beginning of May, you've now taken over the office of your predecessor, Prof. Micha Teuscher. Prof.…
The upgrade costs €17.67 per month and each student can book it individually. You can do this via a portal on the HVV website (Hamburg's public transport system), which students can reach using a…
They are all academics who dreamed of living and making a contribution in Ukraine, and who are now continuing their work with us here at HAW Hamburg. Although they are all very different, they do have
Following the violent death of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini in police custody, the situation in Iran continues to escalate and repression of students and academics at numerous Iranian universities has increase
Congratulations on the award! Can you tell us briefly how the project came about? I myself am the first person in my family to go to university. I only found out about scholarships through friends and
Mr. Kuhr, how did the cooperation with the Centre for Natural Sciences and Peace Research at Universität Hamburg begin? Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Kuhr: The initial contact came about through Professor Dr. G
In the current situation, our thoughts are particularly with our three Israeli partner universities: the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, the Kibbutzim College of Education Technology and Arts, and
Liad Shadmi studies in the Master of Communication Design degree course in the Faculty of Design, Media and Information. His study project ‘The Alphabetical Room’ won the 2023 student prize from the N
Why are international students important for the university? International students enrich HAW Hamburg. They contribute to creating an international atmosphere in the courses and at the various univer