Applying for a Bachelor's degree course
There are different application processes for the various Bachelor's degree courses. For most of the courses, you are required to register with the dialogue-oriented service procedure (Hochschulstart) and complete the course-specific HAW navigator self-test before you can sign into our online application portal and apply. There are some exceptions, especially for the artistic and cooperative degree courses.
General application deadlines
Winter semester: 1 June–15 July
Summer semester: 1 December–15 January
The deadlines for some degree courses are different. You can find more information on the specific degree course page. Please also note that the application deadlines are the final deadlines. Applications received after these closing dates will not be considered.
Most of the Bachelor's degree courses at HAW Hamburg participate in the Hochschulstart dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV). You can currently apply for one HAW Hamburg degree course through Hochschulstart; you can apply for a maximum of twelve degree courses countrywide.
An application for multiple programmes that includes degree courses which are not part of the DoSV is not possible.
You can look at the degree courses page to find out whether you can apply for the winter or the summer semester of the particular degree course.
The following degree courses do not take part in the DoSV:
- Illustration
- Communication Design
- Fashion, Costume and Textile Product Design
- Information Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- all degree courses that are studied in dual form
For the Nursing and Public Management degree courses, which are offered exclusively as cooperative degree programmes, you apply for the training position and your place in the degree course directly through the organisation providing the training. You can find more information on the specific degree course pages.
Hochschulstart application process
Please start by registering for the DoSV at Once you have registered successfully you will be assigned a BID (applicant ID) and a BAN (applicant authentification number). Both of these numbers will be required later when you submit your application via the myHAW application and student portal.
The application process consists of several phases. You can find detailed information about the DoSV and the coordination phases at
View application status
You can check the status of your application and our university's admissions offers (from the end of January for the summer semester / from the end of July for the winter semester) in both your user account for the Hochschulstart application portal and the myHAW information and application portal.
Accept your offer of admission
As soon as a decision has been made you about your application, you will be notified via Hochschulstart and myHAW. If an offer of admission has been made through Hochschulstart, you need to actively accept the offer on Hochschulstart in order to receive an admissions offer from us. If we are unable to offer you a study place by the end of the process, you will receive a letter from Hochschulstart informing you that your application was unsuccessful.
Study without Abitur or Fachhochschulreife
Under the Hamburg Higher Education Act, you can also study without an Abitur or Fachhochschulreife certificate.
Individuals with the following qualifications have higher education entrance eligibility:
- Master tradespeople (Meister*innen) in accordance with the Crafts and Trades Code (Handwerksordnung)
- Certified business administrators (Fachwirt*innen)
- Individuals with equivalent advanced studies certificates in accordance with sections 53 and 54 of the Vocational Training Act.
Applicants who receive a grade of 2,0 or better on their aptitude test for a Design degree at HAW Hamburg and are at least 18 years old can also be admitted without a higher education entrance qualification.
If you do not belong to one of the above groups and therefore do not have a higher education entrance qualification, you can take an entrance exam pursuant to section 38 of the Hamburg Education Act in order to obtain this qualification.
HAW navigator / Online self-test
Our HAW navigators are online self-testing tools about the individual degree courses.
They are meant to assist you in deciding on a degree course, and they are also an application requirement for almost all the HAW Hamburg degree courses. Because the tests are not graded, the results have no impact on your chances of being accepted.
Selection criteria for the allocation of study places
For most degree courses, whether or not you receive a place in the particular course is determined by the final grade you received for your higher education entrance qualification or by your wait time. The exact limit (numerus clausus) on the number of applicants that can be admitted is only ascertained once the ranking list has been generated based on the information (grades and wait times) from the current applications. This means that for each degree course, the numerus clausus only becomes clear at the end of each admissions process.
Note: The criteria 'achievement' and 'wait time' are evaluated separately, which means that a longer wait time does not improve the average grade.
Numerus clausus table (from the last admissions process; in German only)
Conversion from grades into points (in German only)
Admissions procedure (in German only)
Additional criteria
In some cases the average grade is only one of several criteria. In certain degree courses, the grades for particular subjects are weighted differently and some are not taken into account in the calculation of points.
The following Bachelor's degree courses have different selection criteria. These are outlined in detail in the admissions regulations:
- Clothing Technology and Management, Admissions policy (in German only)
- Information Engineering, Admissions policy
- Mechanical Engineering, Admissions policy
- Mechanical Engineering and Production Admissions policy (in German only)
- Media Technology, Admissions policy (in German only)
- Rescue Engineering, Admissions policy (in German only)
An artistic aptitude test must be completed before an application can be submitted for the following degree courses:
- Illustration
- Communication Design
- Fashion, Costume and Textile Design
Hardship provisions
Applicants with a disability or a chronic illness can submit a hardship application in accordance with the HAW Hamburg's Hardship Policy. This provides an extra chance of obtaining a study place. Five per cent of the study places in each BA degree course are allocated for applicants with particular health, familial, financial or social difficulties.
As part of the online application, please note that you want to make a hardship claim. You must also submit a written application. Here it makes sense to refer to the points under section 3, paragraph 1 of the Hardship Policy that are relevant to your situation. Please submit this application together with the other application documents and the documents demonstrating hardship (certified copies or originals) to HAW Hamburg before the deadline: 15 July (for the winter semester) or 15 January (for the summer semester). Applications received after these dates cannot be considered!
If your hardship application is unsuccessful and you are not awarded a study place based on this criterion, you are automatically included in the remaining admissions process (10 per cent of study places allocated based on wait time and the remaining 90 per cent based on achievement).
During the application and registration process at HAW Hamburg you are entitled to have all documents made available in a barrier-free format or to have an interpreter or other communication aids made available to you.
Applications can only be submitted online. If you have questions about this process, please contact the HAW Hamburg Student Center:
Student Admissions and Registration Office: +49.40.428 75-9898 or
Student Counselling Team, Katrin Schumann: +49.40.428 75-9115