Information on health insurance

Pursuant to Section 5 subsection 1 Number 9 of the German Social Security Code Book V (SGB V), students must take out public health insurance if they are enrolled at a public or publicly recognized German university. To enroll at HAW Hamburg, they must therefore be insured through a public health insurance provider or seek an exemption from a public health insurance provider.

Public health insurance providers inform universities about a student’s insurance status (publicly insured or exempt). Thus, once you receive an acceptance letter, contact a public health insurance provider immediately and have yourself insured or exempted so that HAW Hamburg can be notified about your insurance status.

Please give them the name of the university and the sender number.

the sender number for HAW Hamburg is: H0000531
the company number for HAW Hamburg is: 16711015


Exemption from compulsory health insurance

If by enrolling you are required to take out a student public health insurance policy, you can under certain conditions seek an exemption. Any public health insurance providers can notify the University if you are exempted from public health insurance.

  • Private health insurance: If you wish to remain insured privately (e.g., you are insured through a parental insurance policy), you can seek an exemption from the public health insurance obligation. This is true also for those who are eligible for aid and are receiving medical welfare benefits or military benefits. In such cases, contact a public health insurance provider so that HAW Hamburg is notified about your exemption.

    Please note that the application for an exemption from the public health insurance obligation is only possible within the first 3 months after the start of the period of the insurance obligation (i.e. the beginning of the semester). An exemption from compulsory insurance after this period is no longer possible until the end of your enrollment. The exemption cannot be revoked; it is valid for the entire duration of your studies.
  • Over 30: If you are over 30, you are not required to take out student public health insurance when you enroll. Due to your age, you can seek an exemption. Contact a public health insurance provider so that HAW Hamburg is notified about your exemption.
  • European health insurance: If you are publicly insured in another European country, you can use this policy in Germany. Contact a German public health insurance provider so that Universität Hamburg is notified about your exemption.
    Additional information for international students is available here.

Changing your degree course
If you are currently enrolled at HAW Hamburg and only change your degree course, you do not need a new certificate of health insurance coverage, unless you switch health insurance providers at the same time you switch degree courses.