CamPuls programmes and activities
Supporting healthy studies at HAW Hamburg - Take part!
A wide variety of factors influence student well-being at the university. These can be both individual and structural. In addition to information on health-related questions that have to do, for example, with exercise or eating habits, CamPuls also aims to deliver information about social, sexual, pyschological and other issues.
In consultation with students and with the help of surveys, the progammes are adjusted and further developed on an ongoing basis. Are specific topics missing? Feel free to send us your ideas anytime at campuls (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de
Input and information for everyday student life is posted regularly on our Instagram account.
Overview of services and events
The 2023 HEALTHYLAND Festival is coming up soon. It will take place from 22 to 24 May. In the various workshops and presentations, you can get tips and tricks for making your everyday student life healthier. We will also be looking at the role the university plays in your health. Together with other HAW Hamburg students and employees, you'll discover how much fun the topic of health can be. And of course, there will also be delicious snacks, drinks, games and a live concert too. Take a look.
The detailed programme of events for the 2023 HEALTHYLAND Festival is available (in German) here.
Mental health first-aiders
Is there actually such a thing as first-aid for mental health? Yes, there is! And as of 2022, it's available at HAW Hamburg too: our mental health first-aiders are students themselves and are trained to recognise mental health problems and respond appropriately until professional help is available. They are located in all of the faculties and are the contact people for students experiencing personal crises or problems.
Scroll down to get to know the mental health first-aiders in the various faculties.
Places to study, relax and meet up
Hamburg is a big port city! This means that quiet and peaceful places to study, relax and meet up aren't always so easy to find.
This why the CamPuls team set out to find them. Student assistants Sigrid, Kim and Henry have discovered lots of restorative parks and lakes, as well as good libraries for studying. Now it's time for you to visit them. If you think the best spots are still missing, we're happy to add to the places outlined below:campuls (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de.
Get to know the mental health first-aiders in your faculty
Faculty of Life Sciences

Lotta Zibell
Environmental Engineering
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Time management, maintaining balance through hobbies and being on campus, and interactions with fellow students

Juliano Giuliano Facchini
Nutrition and Home Economics
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Getting exercise and consciously taking time out
Why did you become a first-aider? Because I want to do my best to make sure that nobody has to deal with their problems on their own.

Nalan Ülker
Environmental Engineering
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? It helps me to know my limits and take time out.
Why did you become a first-aider? Students often have to rely on themselves and get lost in the anonymity of the university. I became a first-aider to listen to them and give them support.

Laura Paulsen
Additional qualification: Peer-to-peer advisor

Janina Reinicke
Nutrition and Home Economics
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Exercise and having enough free time
Why did you become a first-aider? I want to be able to help people confidently.

Carla Twisselmann
Health Sciences
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Talking with my fellow students and breaks for movement and relaxation
Why did you become a first-aider? It's important to me to be able to support people who are in difficult situations. I also want to contribute to reducing the stigma around mental illnesses in our society.

Stella Kaltenbach
Health Sciences
What helps you stay healthy? Since I'm originally from the Black Forest, I love to go hiking. Being in nature helps me relax and de-stress. Dance and yoga are also important parts of my everyday life.
Why did you become a first-aider? From personal experience, I know that there are sometimes periods that are particularly tiring and challenging. Everyone should have the opportunity to talk to someone who listens to them and shows them understanding in crisis situations. As a first-aider I want to contribute to making it possible for people to speak openly about crisis situations without being afraid of being stigmatised.
Faculty of Design, Media and Information

Benjamin Possin
Media and Communications
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? To keep myself healthy I look for regular activities that balance out the work and where I can get away from university-related topics and immerse myself in another world with friends, such as regular games nights or going to movies.

Erika Rausch
Communication Design
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Dancing destresses me and helps me relax physically and mentally.

Hanna Steinhoff
Costume Design
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? 'Mindfulness' and 'balancing' are important keywords for me! I've now developed a strong awareness of my body and spirit and quickly notice and take seriously any signs of stress or being overwhelmed. To get through stressful phases, I try to always maintain balance between obligations and free time or relaxation.
Why did you become a first-aider? I've always found psychology and educational theory exciting and fascinating, which is why I am getting training in this area. Being able to understand, and even support, myself and other people better gives me a lot! I would also like to see mental illnesses or burdens no longer be a taboo subject and get more attention, and for us to watch out for one another more! I think mental health is the be-all and end-all and forms the foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life.

Angelique Dins
Fashion Design
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? I don't define myself just through my studies and also recognise the value of my hobbies and other activities. This makes me give every activity the right amount of attention. This helps me stay balanced and takes the pressure off in my studies.
Why did you become a first-aider? Based on my own experiences I know that it is nice to know that there is somebody you can contact.

Valeria Raido
Media and Communications
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Healthy time management and maintaining enthusiasm for my area of study are essential partners in my studies.
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science

Diana Huck
Mechanical Engineering/Development and Design
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Practicing yoga helps me study in a healthy way. It clears my head and improves my physical fitness.
Why did you become a first-aider? I am very interested in the area of mental health and also focus on it in my private life. I also like helping people and know myself how difficult it can be to take care of your own needs, especially during your studies.

Mirco Wiedenfeld
Applied Computer Science
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Sports and excercise

Pratik Devkota
Renewable Energy Systems
What helps you during your studies? Good time management, hobbies for inner balance, and eating healthy food
Why did you become a first-aider? I saw the need for it, especially in the Department of Engineering and Computer Science, because the stress level there during exams is particularly high.

Klara Marek
Mechanical Engineering
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Talking with my friends, relaxing in cafes and reading books!
Why did you become a first-aider? I took the course because I had already volunteered at a telephone service that involved students listening to students and I noticed that more knowledge about mental health issues, support offers and resources is very important, and that many people impacted can't or don't want to speak with those in their direct environment. This is why I think it's super that this course is being offered at HAW Hamburg and that there's an easy-to-access service for students who are affected!
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences

Friedrich Gaulke
Foreign Trade/International Management
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Time with good friends for balance, lots of music and good food help me stay healthy as I study. :)
Why did you become a first-aider? I became a mental health first-aider to give others a safe space for mental health.

Immo Kutz
Social Work
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Having my family and hobbies as a safe place to return to!
Why did you become a first-aider? I became a mental health first-aider to do my best to provide all my fellow humans with first-aid for the diverse mental health stressors that exist in an increasingly complex world. My credo is based on Ghandi's words: Be the change you want to see in the world = to live each day with compassion for my fellow humans.

Yannik Thieß
Social Work
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Just leaving things unfinished at times and simply enjoying the evening with friends. If I need more time, I can ask for it.

Max Holz
Education and Learning in Childhood
What helps you stay healthy during your studies? Exercise and activities with friends
Why did you become a first-aider? To support friends with depression

Astrid Rösch
Social Work
What helps you stay healthy? Paying attention to what I need, balancing work with socialising, hobbies, etc., and lots of self-care. And for me, tea is always a symbol of looking out for myself and taking a break.
Why did you become a first-aider? Mental health problems are much more common than we might think, and lots of people are impacted at some point in their life. By taking the course, I wanted to contribute to reducing the stigma around mental health problems and get training to support those impacted in the best way possible, to be there for them, and to research suitable next steps together with them.
Places to study, relax and meet up
Hamburg is a big port city! This means that quiet and peaceful places to study, relax and meet up aren't always so easy to find.
This why the CamPuls team set out to find them. Student assistants Sigrid, Kim and Henry have discovered lots of restorative parks and lakes, as well as good libraries for studying. Now it's time for you to visit them. If you think the best spots are still missing, we're happy to add to the places outlined below:campuls (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de.