Automation Technology
Digitalisation is advancing into ever more areas of our economy and society; what has been termed ‘Industry 4.0’ is a point of intersection between production and up-to-the-minute information and communications technology. Innovative, highly flexible and autonomous developments in manufacturing (smart factories), energy generation and distribution (smart grids) and mobility (self-driving vehicles and self-flying aircraft) are on the rise.
Automation technology is key to the realisation of these ideas. The Master’s degree course in Automation Technology at HAW Hamburg represents an outstanding opportunity to lay the foundations for a career in one or more of a range of future-proof fields.
Good reasons to study Automation Technology at HAW Hamburg
This degree course teaches advanced technical and scientific competencies in the planning, management and optimisation of complex automation processes. Graduates leave us ideally equipped for high-level technical and management roles in system design, planning, development and implementation and in technical product management and sales, in Germany and across the globe.
Our graduates have what it takes to succeed in fields including industrial automation and production technology, sustainable generation and distribution of electrical energy, and autonomous systems in transport and automotive settings. Many of these jobs are located in the dynamic industrial landscape of the key port of Hamburg and its environs – home to leading producers of wind turbines and major players in aviation.
If you’ve caught the science bug, we also offer the opportunity to continue your academic studies with doctoral work after you have completed this degree course.
The right course for you?
This Master’s degree course is designed primarily for those with Bachelor’s (or equivalent) degrees in electrical engineering or mechatronics who specialised in automation during their first degree and intend to continue their studies. We also, however, welcome applicants with first degrees in other, comparable subjects or those who have completed a first degree and subsequently acquired initial professional experience in the field of automation technology.
Course content and structure
Automated electronic systems are increaasingly on the advance in our societal life due to their capacity to boost efficiency and sustainability while doing justice to environmental considerations. Expertise in these cutting-edge tools and technologies requires broad-based knowledge of control, energy and information engineering. Real-time algorithms carrying out measurement and control functions are at the heart of automated solutions. This Master’s degree course provides students with a solid theoretical grounding alongside practical training in the design and implementation of these algorithms using highly sophisticated and powerful tools such as Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow. Students are also able to familiarise themselves with a range of methods for implementation and testing, including efficient simulation, rapid prototyping, hardware-in-the-loop and embedded targets, and gain hands-on experience in lab set-ups and autonomous vehicles, alongside encountering applications in decentralised and renewable energy generation and supply.
In the first year of the degree course, students explore the course’s focal areas, control, energy, and information engineering, in depth via two modules for each area, each with a complementary lab practical.
Information engineering
- Embedded control systems
- Operating systems and real-time programming
Control engineering
- Multi-dimensional control systems
- Nonlinear control systems
Energy engineering
- Decentralised energy supply systems
- Drive technology for mobile systems
The focus of the course’s second semester is the ‘team project’ (Verbundprojekt), in which teams of students synthesise and apply their knowledge in the context of a realistic ‘smart factory’; the challenge is to develop control algorithms and drives for autonomous vehicles. Students additionally choose elective modules closely related to the specific content of this project.
The degree course concludes with the Master thesis, in which students explore a current issue or problem in research and demonstrate their capacity for independent scientific work in the field.
Admission requirements
- A completed Bachelor’s, Diplom or equivalent degree in electrical or information engineering, IT and/or computer science, worth at least 210 credit points and with a minimum overall grade of ‘good’ (in the German system)
- Diploma Supplement/Transcript of Records
- International applicants are required to demonstrate proficiency in the German language at level C1 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) or above via a recognised language test, which should be one of the following: Goethe Institute C1, TestDaF 4, telc C1 Hochschule, DSH2, Deutsches Sprachdiplom issued by the KMK (Kultusministerkonferenz), or Kleines or Großes Sprachdiplom issued by the Goethe Institute.
Submitting additional documents increases your chances of being selected:
- Letter of motivation
- CV
- Documentation of any previous relevant professional/work experience (e.g. written reference from your employer)
- A letter of recommendation
N.B.: Applicants whose Bachelor’s degrees are equivalent to 180 credit points are required to attain a further 30 credit points in order to enrol fully in this Master’s degree course. The department will tell you which courses and examinations you will be required to undertake. If this applies to you and your application is successful, you will be enrolled for an initial fixed period of one semester in order to attain the required credit points. Your application for full enrolment will be considered at the end of this semester. You must prove you have completed the required credit points before you will be permitted to register your topic for your Master's thesis.
Application process
The degree course admits students for the winter and the summer semesters. Application periods: 1 June–15 July (winter semester) and 1 December–15 January (summer semester).
Applications for all Master's courses must be submitted online. The online application system is only activated during the application period. It is not possible to apply outside of the application periods. You do not need to submit hard copies of your application. You can find more information at Applying for a Master's degree course.
Alternatively, you can contact master-application(@)
Questions about applications, admissions and degree courses
Applications and admissions:
HAW Master's Degree Course Admissions Office
Stiftstrasse 69, 20099 Hamburg (Berliner Tor Campus)
Tel.: + 49.40.428 75-9898
master-application (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de
The Information Point is open at the following times:
Monday–Thursday: 10:00 am–1:00 pm
Friday: closed
In-person office hours:
Thursday: 2:00 pm–4:00 pm
Telephone office hours:
Monday and Tuesday: 9:00 am–10:00 am
For general queries about degree courses:
Student Counselling Team (Zentrale Studienberatung)
Stiftstrasse 69, 1st floor, room 122
20099 Hamburg
T +49 40 42875 9110
Contact form
Office hours
Contact person for applicants with disabilities or chronic health conditions:
Meike Butenob/Dieter Röh
Stiftstraße 69, Haus 3, room 37
Tel. +49.40.428 75-7220
inklusion (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de
Contact the department
Specifically subject-related queries:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Wenck
Berliner Tor 7, room 682, 20099 Hamburg
Tel.: +49.40.428 75-8126