Publisher offers (DEAL and more)

HAW Hamburg has open access agreements with the following publishers:

You will find information on the publisher-specific modalities below. We will be happy to advise you. You can reach us at hibs.oa (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de.

Publication fees, so-called article processing charges (APCs), are generally charged for open access publications. As part of its participation in the DEAL project and due to special arrangements with particular publishing houses, HAW Hamburg offers its members attractive discounts for the publication of open access articles. You can also publish individual articles as open access articles (so-called 'hybrid open access') free of charge in subscription-based closed access journals from BMJ, Elsevier, Emerald, Hogrefe, SAGE, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis and Wiley.

Please note that in order to receive a discount or have the costs covered, you must be the corresponding or submitting author of the article in question and be a HAW Hamburg member at the time of submission.

If you cannot determine whether a journal is covered by DEAL, you can use the oa.finder tool to find out.

The oa.finder can be used to find over 55,000 gold open access journals. The entries also contain information about the journal impact and the article processing charges. Additionally, you can use the tool to find out if HAW Hamburg will cover the publication costs via a transformation contract or if it would make sense to apply to the publication fund.

DEAL Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley

HAW Hamburg is part of the Germany-wide publish-and-read agreements (DEAL project) with the Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley publishing houses. This provides HAW Hamburg members with special opportunities to publish in journals from Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley Open Access. A distinction is made here between two variations in open access publishing: full open access and hybrid open access.

Overview of all Elsevier journals
Overview of all Springer DEAL journals
Overview of all Wiley journals

Discounts for full open access


Publishing in hybrid journals


Prerequisites for publishing


What benefits does open access publication offer you?


Additional information about the DEAL project

If you have questions about the possibilities for publication outlined above, the publication fees of a particular journal, the DEAL agreements or the open access licences used, please feel free to contact us: hibs.oa (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de

Special rates at other publishers

At the following publishers you can in some cases publish open access articles without paying fees (hybrid open access), and you can receive a discount on the article processing fees for purely open access journals. This is made possible through HAW Hamburg's institutional memberships or publisher agreements as part of national licencing agreements. Please note that you must be the corresponding or submitting author of the article in question.













PLOS (Public Library of Science)




Taylor & Francis


wt Werkstattstechnik online


If you have questions about the offers described above, and in particular about the CC licences, please feel free to contact us:hibs.oa (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de.