Publisher offers (DEAL and more)
HAW Hamburg has open access agreements with the following publishers:
- Elsevier
- Emerald
- Frontiers
- Springer Nature
- Taylor & Francis
- Wiley
- wt Werkstattstechnik online
You will find information on the publisher-specific modalities below. We will be happy to advise you. You can reach us at hibs.oa (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de.
Publication fees, so-called article processing charges (APCs), are generally charged for open access publications. As part of its participation in the DEAL project and due to special arrangements with particular publishing houses, HAW Hamburg offers its members attractive discounts for the publication of open access articles. You can also publish individual articles as open access articles (so-called 'hybrid open access') free of charge in subscription-based closed access journals from BMJ, Elsevier, Emerald, Hogrefe, SAGE, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis and Wiley.
Please note that in order to receive a discount or have the costs covered, you must be the corresponding or submitting author of the article in question and be a HAW Hamburg member at the time of submission.
If you cannot determine whether a journal is covered by DEAL, you can use the oa.finder tool to find out.
The oa.finder can be used to find over 55,000 gold open access journals. The entries also contain information about the journal impact and the article processing charges. Additionally, you can use the tool to find out if HAW Hamburg will cover the publication costs via a transformation contract or if it would make sense to apply to the publication fund.
DEAL Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley
HAW Hamburg is part of the Germany-wide publish-and-read agreements (DEAL project) with the Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley publishing houses. This provides HAW Hamburg members with special opportunities to publish in journals from Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley Open Access. A distinction is made here between two variations in open access publishing: full open access and hybrid open access.
Overview of all Elsevier journals
Overview of all Springer DEAL journals
Overview of all Wiley journals
Discounts for full open access
As part of the DEAL contracts, you can receive a 20 per cent discount on the article processing charges (APC) listed for all purely open access journals from Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley. A 15 per cent discount applies to open access journals from Cell Press and The Lancet.
Important: In the case of Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley, the invoice for the APC will be sent directly to HAW Hamburg. However, it is the individual or the department that is responsible for financing the APC – i.e. the APC for purely open access publications is not covered by HAW Hamburg as part of DEAL.
Publishing in hybrid journals
As part of the DEAL contracts, you can currently publish open access articles in subscription-based journals from Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley under the agreement without additional costs for you as the author. Your individual article will be made available at no cost in the online version of the journal. The financing of open access publications in subscription journals from Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley is covered by HAW Hamburg for 2024.
Prerequisites for publishing
In order to publish an open access article in a journal from the Elsevier, Springer Nature or Wiley publishing houses under the conditions outlined above, you must be a member of HAW Hamburg and the corresponding or submitting author of the article. Please also note that the costs for additional options, such as colour pages, will not be covered as part of the DEAL agreements, but will instead be invoiced to you by the journal.
The following article types are eligible:
- Elsevier: Full Length Article, Review Article, Case Report, Data in Brief, Microarticle, Original Software Publication, Protocol, Replication Study, Short Communication, Short Survey and Video Article.
- Springer Nature: Original Papers, Review Papers, Short Communications, Editorial Notes, Book Reviews, Letters and Reports. Proceedings and non-research articles (Editorial Notes, Book Reviews, Letters and Reports) in pure Open Access journals are excluded.
- Wiley: Primary Research Articles and Review Articles. Editorials, Community News, Book/Media Reviews etc. are excluded.
You can find information about the Springer Nature and Wiley workflows here: (Elsevier) (Springer Nature) (Wiley)
What benefits does open access publication offer you?
By making your research results freely available, you increase their visibility. Open Access publications also lead to higher citation rates in many fields. Additionally, by using Creative Commons licenses, authors retain the rights to their work and do not solely transfer them to publishers. In addition, the funding conditions of numerous research funders (e.g. Horizon Europe, DFG) now expect funded publications to be published as open access.
Additional information about the DEAL project
If you have questions about the possibilities for publication outlined above, the publication fees of a particular journal, the DEAL agreements or the open access licences used, please feel free to contact us: hibs.oa (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de
Special rates at other publishers
At the following publishers you can in some cases publish open access articles without paying fees (hybrid open access), and you can receive a discount on the article processing fees for purely open access journals. This is made possible through HAW Hamburg's institutional memberships or publisher agreements as part of national licencing agreements. Please note that you must be the corresponding or submitting author of the article in question.
The HAW Hamburg has been participating in ACM Open since 2025. As a result, members of the university can publish Open Access free of charge in ACM journals and conference proceedings. An overview of ACM journals and proceedings can be found in the Digital Library. Exceptions due to publisher collaborations are listed separately.
To be eligible, a member of the university must act as the corresponding author of the publication. Submissions labeled as "Research Articles" by ACM, such as Research Articles, Review Articles, and Conference or Proceeding Papers, qualify for this program.
Only pure Open Access costs are covered; additional fees, such as page charges or other costs, are not included.
To be clearly identified as an author affiliated with HAW Hamburg, please use your institutional email address ( when submitting and explicitly state your affiliation with the university (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences). A selection list should be available during the submission process.
Here you can find an overview of the ACM workflow.
In 2024, the article processing charges in 28 subscription journals from the BMJ standard collection will be completely covered under the national licences. You can find an overview of the journals on the BMJ Author Hub. Publication generally takes place with a CC-BY-NC licence. A CC-BY licence is only possible when required by a funder.
As part of a transformation agreement, HAW Hamburg has made it possible for its members to publish open access articles free of charge in all of Hogrefe's active subscription journals (hybrid open access). An overview of the journals together with additional information (in German only) is available here. You also have reader access to the entire PsyJOURNALS portfolio.
In the three purely open access journals which are not covered by the transformation agreement, authors receive a 25 per cent discount on the article processing charges. These three journals are the European Journal of Psychology Open, Psychological Test Adaptation and Development (PTAD) and Sports Psychiatry – Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychiatry.
The Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute publishes over 400 open access journals, which cover numerous subject areas (in particular life sciences and engineering, but also business, economics and public health). Overview of the journals
Since the beginning of 2020, HAW Hamburg has had an institutional membership at MDPI. HAW Hamburg members receive a 10 per cent discount on the article processing charge for the journal in question. The affiliation will be recognised automatically via your HAW Hamburg email address and will also be requested as part of the submission process.
PLOS (Public Library of Science)
PLOS (Public Library of Science) is a prestigious Open Access publisher with 14 journals, including the megajournal PLOS ONE and specialized journals in fields such as Climate, Digital Health, or Sustainability and Transformation.
HAW Hamburg members can publish open access articles without additional charges (hybrid open access) in over 800 subscription journals from SAGE Journals as part of the publish-and-read model. The list of journals covered under the transformation agreement (SAGE premier package) is available here. You also have access to all SAGE journals.
In addition, you will receive a 20 per cent discount on the article processing charges at the 180 purely open access journals.
Taylor & Francis
HAW Hamburg has been part of the transformation contract with Taylor & Francis since 2024. Routledge is now also part of Taylor & Francis as an imprint. The contract allows you to publish Open Access free of charge and unlimited in the publisher's more than 2,000 hybrid journals ("Open Select"), provided you are the corresponding author of the article. You can find a list of titles here as an Excel sheet.
At the same time, you will receive a 15 per cent discount on the list price of the APC in all Taylor & Francis fully Open Access journals.
wt Werkstattstechnik online
Since issue 01/02-2023, wt Werkstattstechnik online has been published as an Open Access journal. Thanks to the participation of HAW Hamburg in a consortium initiated by the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and VDI Fachmedien, authors affiliated with the university can publish articles in wt Werkstattstechnik online free of charge in 2024.
If you have questions about the offers described above, and in particular about the CC licences, please feel free to contact us:hibs.oa (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de.