Congress Resister

Availability: freely available
Fulltext available since: (1983)
Fulltext available until: (1989)
Publisher: Transvaal Indian Congress ; Digital Innovation South Africa (DISA)
ZDB-ID: 2115467-3
Subject(s): History, Political Science
Tag(s): Apartheidpolitik Südafrika, Landesgeschichte Südafrika
Appearance: retrospectively digitized
Costs: free of charge
Comment: Congress Resister was published by the Transvaal Indian Congress (TIC), which was formed at the turn of the twentieth century by Mahatma Gandhi. It was not banned but was severely affected by the harsh repression of the period. By the mid-60s the activities of the TIC had declined and by the early 70s it was virtually non-existent. At this time, some activists in the Indian community were involved in Black Consciousness organisations. Others associated themselves with the non-racial policy of the 1950s Congress Alliance. In 1981, a meeting was held in Lenasia to discuss the response of the Indian community to the forthcoming elections for the South African Indian Council (SAIC). It was decided that the Transvaal Anti-SAIC Committee (TASC) be established to oppose the SAIC election. The Committee actively campaigned for a boycott of the SAIC elections in a style reminiscent of the Congress Alliance. The culmination of this process was a resounding boycott of the SAIC elections and the holding of the TASC Conference in January 1983. It was here that the decisions were taken to form the United Democratic Front (UDF) and to revive the TIC. On the formation of the UDF, the TIC affiliated to it. The TIC consciously promoted the idea of non-racialism, and sought to mobilise the Transvaal Indian community under the dual banner of the TIC and the UDF. This was done by house visits, mass meetings, pamphleteering and extensive campaigns to boycott the Tricameral Parliament, municipal elections and education. They also participated in national UDF campaigns and began organising the business sector through the TIC Business and Economy Group. After the unbanning of the ANC in 1990, TIC leaders and activists became active in the newly-formed ANC branches and its provincial and national structures, and ultimately the organisation was disbanded.