Welcome first-semester students!

We want to help make the start of your studies as pleasant and easy as possible. We've compiled the most important information here.

The HAW Hamburg Student Center  wishes you success in your studies!

Necessary first steps

When you start your studies at HAW Hamburg, you will receive your own HAW e-mail address, which we will use to communicate with you throughout your studies, as well as access to numerous services and offers.
You will need some time and care for the initial activation and setup. The best way to do this is at home on your desktop computer.

Use e-mail address and online services

FAQs about starting your studies

Preliminary courses for technical degrees | When and where do they take place?


Orientation week | Where do I find information?


First-semester tutorials | Where do I find information about them?


Course catalogue / course timetable | Where do I find it?


myHAW Campus management system | Where do I get my login information for myHAW?


Student ID | How can I get a student ID?


Semester ticket | When and where do I get my semester ticket?


Certificates | Where do I get the documents I need for the BAföG (student financial assistance) office?


Library card | What do I need to do to use the libraries?


Moodle learning platform | How do I access the Moodle learning platform?


WLAN | How do I access the WLAN network at HAW Hamburg?


Links and downloads

Campus maps and locations
Lecture and semester dates
Information from Studierendenwerk Hamburg (Housing, Finances etc)