Leading companies, managing brands, designing logistics structures, recognising the demands of global economic activity and steering economic processes – these are just some of the central foundations of our economic system.
This is why our Business degree courses have diverse structures and subject areas, which provide you with a wide range of knowledge and important skills for operating within these complex systems. Our training focuses particularly on linking economic know-how with a broad spectrum of elements from technology, computer science and quantitative methods, as well as intercultural competence.

As a department of an applied sciences university, we place special emphasis on the practical orientation of our degree courses. We ensure this via numerous projects in which we address actual issues from the business world, often in cooperation with Hamburg companies. All of our instructors have many years of practical experience. Small classes provide the perfect framework for our teaching and projects, enabling intensive and individual support.

When you select your degree course you decide on a particular area of business studies, where, having learned about the general and central foundations of business studies, you will gain in-depth experience and competencies. You will graduate with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), which will qualify you to complete a Master's degree.

You will also be ideally prepared for a career involving specialised or management functions in trade, industry or service companies – both at home and abroad.

Degree courses Degree courses