International health professionals

HAW Hamburg views internationalism as a key professional characteristic. This is why it maintains and promotes relationships with diverse international partners.

In the Department of Nursing and Management, stays abroad – whether for study, internships, or teaching or professional development stays – provide the opportunity to acquire key skills and further professionalise as a discipline, particularly in this age of globalisation and increasing migration. The development of social and cultural skills through exposure to difference and through experience with diverse life concepts and identities increases individuals' professional skills and personal horizons and can thus be considered an important career resource. Additionally, the way in which social challenges related to healthcare are addressed in other countries can provide valuable ideas for developing solutions in one's own country.

About the Department of Nursing and Management

Our English-language brochure provides detailed information about the department: Creating knowledge to drive change in healthcare



... is the recommendation made by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

There are numerous ways to take part in an international exchange: at a partner university as part of the EU cooperation agreements (Erasmus), as part of the bilateral agreements with other universities outside the EU, through instructors' individual contacts, and – last but not least – through your own initiative.

Study semesters and internships abroad


Short stays abroad


International week


International teaching and professional development


Programmes in English for exchange students: Nursing and Management


International coordinator

Prof. Dr. Miriam Richter
Professorin für Pflegewissenschaft
Department Pflege und Management
Alexanderstraße 1, Room 7.28
20099 Hamburg
nach Vereinbarung