Registration deadlines and examination dates
Updated: 13th June 2024
Students must register for examinations via a fixed registration procedure of the Examination Board. This registration is legally binding. It is no longer possible to register after the end of the registration period. Students who have not registered by this time can no longer take examinations.
Please note!
Registration for the examination phase in July takes place via myHAW and runs from 27.05.2024, 08:00 a.m to 01.07.2024, 12 p.m.
Information WiSe 23/24:
It is currently not possible to register in myhaw for the exams in WiSe 2023/24. Attendance at the exam will therefore be considered registration and your participation will be noted at the time of the exam by the examiner.
Students in the first year of E-technology and FuF must write the exams within their own semester group!
Please note!
- In-Class exams have already been registered*
- PVL (labs/exercises) online-based registration has already been completed at the beginning of this semester*
- Elective subjects (I+E and Inf, GW also mechatronics) have been already selected and assigned in the last summer semester 2023 for the winter semester 2023/24*
- Modules of other degree programs (all TI), exchange modules (MuP) or elective modules (MuP, FuF), changes/registration/de-registration of elective subjects (I+E, Inf) can be applied with a form on our homepage
- Exemptions (higher semesters), if applied, will be processed. If not sure about having met all requirements, please apply via the application form from our website.
* The registrations will soon be visible in myHAW
Regulations for exams missed due to illness
In the event of illness, you must submit a sick note stamped and signed by your doctor (Krankschreibung) to the Faculty Service Office immediately – i.e., within the three days following the examination. If a sick note is not received by the Faculty Service Office in time, you will be required to submit a medical certificate (ärztliches Attest). To ensure that a conclusive and specific certificate is submitted, the Examinations Committee will provide you with a form to give to your doctor. Please ensure that the certificate is filled out correctly, and especially that it contains the practice stamp and the doctor's signature.
In general, the decision about whether an illness is a valid justification for not attending an examination will be made by the Examinations Committee.
In the event that an examination must be interrupted due to illness, special conditions apply. More information can be obtained from the Examinations Committtee.
In the case of a supplementary oral examination, an oral examination, or a colloquium, the examiner must be informed that the examination cannot take place due to illness.
If you fall ill while preparing a presentation or a take-home essay/exam, you can apply for an extension of the submission deadline. You will need to submit your request to the Examinations Committee and provide a medical certificate (ärtzliches Attest).
Information and Electrical Engineering
Examination dates