Environmental engineering – an innovative and growing sector

In a globalised and connected world, interdisciplinary knowledge is also important in the areas of environmental engineering and environmental protection. We teach the foundations of both engineering and the natural sciences in order to apply this interdisciplinary know-how in recognising, evaluating, reducing and avoiding environmental problems in both industrial and developing societies.

Environmental engineering in Germany is held up worldwide as a positive example. Its task is to ensure a liveable environment for the rapidly growing population and to minimise – or completely avoid – environmental damage in those places where it occurs. Where water, soil or the atmosphere have already been damaged, technologies, plants and processes must be developed to carefully remedy this damage. Sustainable energy management, chemical analysis and corporate environmental management are of central importance in environmental engineering. A high level of sound interdisciplinary knowledge is an essential basis for professional work.

Head of department

Degree courses Degree courses

Address Address


Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty Life Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering
Ulmenliet 20, 21033 Hamburg



Postal address

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty Life Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering
P.O. Box 10 03 61
20002 Hamburg
