Experts on nutrition and the food industry

Nutrition and home economics combine different scientific disciplines (subject areas) on the broad subject of nutrition and food. At our university, you can take a broad bachelor's degree (nutritional science) and a specialized master's degree (food science).

While you acquire extensive competencies in relation to nutrition, supply, and food production in the Bachelor's degree in Nutritional Science, you can specialize in the development, production, and marketing of products in the food sector in the Master's Food Science. While natural, social, and economic science subjects are almost equally combined in the bachelor’s degree, the natural science components predominate in the master’s program. Both courses lead to a scientific degree (Bachelor of Science, Master of Science).

Head of department

portrait:Sibylle Adam
Prof. Dr. Sibylle Adam
Professorin für Ernährungswissenschaften
Room N5.28
T +49 40 428 75-6117
sibylle.adam (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de

Deputy head of department

portrait:Katharina Riehn
Prof. Dr. Katharina Riehn
Professorin für Lebensmittel-Mikrobiologie und -Toxikologie
Room S2.07
T +49 40 428 75-6368

Degree courses Degree courses

Nutrition and Home Economics
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Food Science
Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Address Address


Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty Life Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Home Economics
Ulmenliet 20, 21033 Hamburg


Postal address

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty Life Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Home Economics
P.O. Box 10 03 61
20002 Hamburg
