You can de-register from the current semester on a daily basis, on a desired date in the future (not retroactively) or at the end of the semester in question. You can submit the application online in your myHAW account. The de-registration notice and the pension certificate will be sent to you by post. The processing time at our central admissions office (the Studierendensekretariat) can take up to four weeks, so please bear this in mind when submitting your application.
If you successfully complete your studies and do not explicitly apply for de-registration, you will be de-registered at the end of the semester in which you complete your studies (i.e. on 31.03. or 30.09.).
If you have completed all your achievements, you are not permitted to re-register for the following semester, even if the evaluation of individual achievements is still pending. You will first receive a certificate of de-registration due to failure to re-register on time, stating that you have not taken the final examination. Please do not let this make you feel insecure! As soon as the evaluations have been entered and the final documents have been handed over, you will receive an updated certificate from the Registrar's Office confirming your graduation. The evaluations can also be entered and the certificate documents requested while you are not enrolled.
Deactivation of your myHAW account and access to the HAW mailer
Your access to myHAW will be deactivated 1 year after you are deregistered. It is then no longer possible for you to print out overviews of your grades or other certificates. Your access to the HAW mailer will be deactivated on the day you are deregistered.
Deregistration and your semester ticket
Your semester ticket remains valid for the final semester you have re-registered for, even if you are deregistered before the semester ends. If you would like to have your ticket refunded, please see the Chip Card Services Office page for more information.