Preparatory semester

Information session - Preparatory semester for refugees and prospective international students

Thu, 25 Jul 2024, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Studierendenzentrum, Stiftstr. 69, 20099 Hamburg, Eingang Haus 2, 1. Stock Raum 110

Hello and welcome to Hamburg University of Applied Sciences,

We will be offering a preparatory semester for refugees and prospective international students in winter semester 2024/25. The programme of the Center for Migration helps you to get an idea of what your studies will be like here at our university.

The idea of this programme is that you attend your first lectures, from the beginning to the end of the semester, and you also write exams. Experienced students will help you with all your tasks during the semester.

If you want to study Information Engineering or International Business here at the HAW in Hamburg after your preparatory semester, all the credit points you acquired will be applied to your further studies.

You will need to fulfil the following requirements to for take part in the Information Engineering Bachelor's degree course:

-    Level B2 language skills in English
-    University entrance certificate
-    Residency in Hamburg or nearby

Are you interested in being part of the course? Come to our information session, where you'll get all the information you need.

WHEN: Thursday, 25 Juliy 2024, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm
WHERE: Studierendenzentrum of HAW Hamburg, Stiftstr. 69, 20099 Hamburg, 1th floor, Room 110
Online via MS Team
Besprechungs-ID: 342 234 692 019 
Kennung: 3N5H7r 


Preparatory studies for international students and students with a refugee background

Wlada Kasper
Tel.: +49.40.428 75 9853
vorbereitungsstudium (@)

Centre for Migration Research and Integration Practice
Steindamm 105, 4th floor
20099 Hamburg

Advising sessions by appointment
Please contact: kompetenz-kompakt (@)
