Innovative e-learning concept with the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

The Foreign Trade/International Management (FTIM) degree course is one of three courses offered jointly by HAW Hamburg and the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST). It is coordinated at HAW Hamburg by Professor of Foreign Trade/International Management Natalia Ribberink of the Department of Business. Prof. Dr. Ribberink initiated the project of developing innovative teaching and learning formats as part of the FTIM in 2019 and – with the help of academic staff members Janina Apostolou and Jan-Hendrik Schünemann – successfully implemented it in summer semester 2020 with two pilot modules.

 The International Logistics and International Marketing courses were taught to the Chinese students over eight weeks and took place exclusively online. Each week, animated presentations, videos, lecture notes and additional study materials were developed and made available to the FTIM students via the SHCneo study platform. Following the analysis and completion of interactive materials, the students completed each chapter with an online test or a case study. This ensured interactivity and made it possible to measure learning success. The case studies dealt with topics covered during the week and ranged from the development of a market entry strategy for KFC in China to an analysis of the competitive advantages of the Shanghai harbour. Students presented their work in brief presentations, papers or videos. They not only learned to independently apply and present their newly attained knowledge, but also strengthened key digital skills such as data literacy and digital learning, together with key non-digital skills such as entrepreneurial thinking.

In weekly live-chat sessions with the instructors, students were able to ask questions about the course content and receive feedback on their presentations and other exercises. The use of digital teaching formats made it possible to continue the teaching in the international HAW Hamburg–USST degree course without interruption, despite the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to teaching subject-specific content, the course also trained students in basic digital skills that will enable them to interact in a digitalised environment and working world.

In short videos  published on the website, the Chinese students talk about their experiences in the online courses and what they learned.

Author: Janina Apostolou.


Prof. Dr. Natalia Ribberink
Fakultät Wirtschaft und Soziales
Department Wirtschaft
Berliner Tor 5, 20099 Hamburg
Raum BT 08.17
T +49.40.428 75-6952
natalia.ribberink (@)
