Representatives at HAW Hamburg
Representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
Prof. Dr. Dieter Röh is the formal representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. He was elected by the HAW Hamburg University Senate.
Contact information:
T +49 40 428 75-7113
dieter.roeh (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de
To the 'Studying with a disability or chronic illness' web pages
Advisors for students who have experienced sexual harassment or violence
All members of the university – including employees, students, instructors, contractors, interns, and cleaning staff from external companies – are entitled to protection from sexual harassment, discrimination and violence at HAW Hamburg.
If you have experienced sexual harassment or violence, you can get help here.
Complaints management for students and employees (General Act on Equal Treatment Complaints Office)
The General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) Complaints Office at HAW Hamburg is a formal unit responsible for accepting complaints regarding discrimination, harassment and violence. The basis of its work is the General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG). It accepts complaints regarding discrimination based on one or more protected characteristics as outlined in the AGG, reviews these complaints, and communicates recommendations for measures or sanctions to the appropriate organisational unit when an incident is considered to represent discrimination pursuant to the AGG.
Equal opportunities commissioners
In accordance with the Hamburg Act on Equal Opportunity for Men and Women in the Public Service and the Hamburg Higher Education Act, HAW Hamburg has equal opportunities commissioners for the academic and the technical/administrative areas.
- The equal opportunities commissioner for the academic area is responsible for professors and students.
- The equal opportunities commissioner for technical, library and administrative staff is responsible for employees in those areas.
- Academic staff can contact either commissioner.
Contact the equal opportunities commissioners
Crisis Team
The Crisis Team provides support in situations where (1) students are exhibiting unusual or problematic (psychological) behaviour and there is a risk of escalation in their interactions with others or (2) a student has died.
Ombudspeople for good academic practice
The ombudspeople for good academic practice are available to answer questions about good academic practice and to respond to information regarding potential academic misconduct. You can contact any of them, regardless of their faculty or subject area. All issues will be treated as confidential.
Information security officer
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Kossakowski
Berliner Tor 7
20099 Hamburg
Room 10.81a
T +49 40 428 75-8157
M +49 171 576 701 0
klaus-peter.kossakowski (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de
Data protection officer
Contact information for the HAW Hamburg data protection officer:
datenschutz nord GmbH
Konsul-Smidt-Straße 88
28217 Bremen
Occupational physician for HAW Hamburg
Dr. Ursula Peschke
Arbeitsmedizinischer Dienst AMD (the city of Hamburg's occupational health service)
Alter Steinweg 4, 20459 Hamburg
T. +49 40 42841-1319
ursula.peschke (at) (dot) de