Visiting researchers, scholars and international students
We regularly host visiting researchers, international scholars, PhD candidates and exchange students at our Centre (e.g. Leopoldina and Humboldt Fellows, DAAD scholars, Erasmus+ students, WASCAL doctoral students and more). Depending on the country of origin, you may have to apply for a visa from the German representation in your home country or current country of residence to enter Germany. As a rule, a letter of invitation from the host institution is required for this. If you are interested in joining our Centre for a limited duration, please send your expression of interest to the Head of FTZ-NK: walter.leal2 (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de.
Some upfront information on things and necessities you need to know about prior to coming to Hamburg is available here (for example, on official registration and residence permit, health insurance etc.):
Visiting researchers
International scholars and students
Find some testimonials of some previous guests here:
- Gounvidé Jean GBAGUIDI, Benin (coming soon)
- Lais Viera Trevisan, Brazil (coming soon)
- Edward Mendy, Togo (coming soon)
Disclaimer: HAW Hamburg cannot be held accountable or be liable for any matters related to insurance and legal status of its guests.