Veranstaltungen und News zur Nachhaltigkeit
datum | uhrzeit | titel | ort |
Mo, 26.05.2025
- Di, 27.05.2025 | 08:00 Uhr | 5th World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research | Lisbon, Portugal |
Do, 29.05.2025
- Fr, 30.05.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | Symposium on Sustainability in Accounting, Management, Finance and Taxation Programmes in Higher Education | Barcelos, Portugal |
Do, 05.06.2025
- Fr, 06.06.2025 | 09:00 Uhr | World Symposium on Sustainability Leadership (WSSL 2025) | Salamanca, Spain |
Mi, 11.06.2025
- Do, 12.06.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | Innovating Business Education for Responsible Global Mind | Zuyd, International Business School Maastricht, The Netherlands |
Do, 19.06.2025
- Fr, 20.06.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | Sustainability and Sustainable Development at Universities in Spain: Challenges and Opportunities | Murcia, Spain |
Do, 26.06.2025
- Fr, 27.06.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | 3rd Transatlantic Symposium on Sustainable Development in Higher Education | Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Do, 11.09.2025
- Fr, 12.09.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | Symposium on Sustainability and Spirituality: Building Ecologies of Hope | Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK |
Mo, 27.10.2025
- Di, 28.10.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | 2nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Sustainable Development in Higher Education | Singapore |
Do, 06.11.2025
- Fr, 07.11.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | 2nd Symposium Amazon 2030 – Sustainability Issues in the World's Largest Rainforest Region | University Nilton Lins, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil |
Di, 11.11.2025
- Mi, 12.11.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | 5th World Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation (WSCCA- 2025) | Florianópolis and Palhoça, Brazil |
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"Wer über seinen eigenen Kosmos hinausdenkt, schafft oft Neues."
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Posthume Ehrung: Prof. Dr. Werner Beba erhält den German Renewables Award
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