Guest Editor in PROCESSES
Teaching project Uni-Huelva and Hamburg University of Apple. Sc.
7th World Tribology Congress - Lyon 2022
The world congress in Lyon was really a huge scientific conference at a nice place. Two grease sessions were organized with different topics related to lubricating greases.
Prof. Kuhn presented his investigation of thixotropic phenomenon by using the entropy concept. He chaired one oif the greases session.
Right: Prof. Kuhn together with Prof. J.Seabra (Uni POrto) and Prof. E.Ciulli (Uni PIsa)
Guest editor in Lubricants
Third time that Prof.Kuhn will be a guest editor for a special issue in the open access journal Lubricants
The issue is called: Recent Advances in Lubricating Greases
PhD-student from Uni Huelva was working for 3 month in our laboratory in 2022
Cooperation between students from Uni Huelva and Hamburg Uni of Appl. Sc.

Initiated by Prof. Miguel.A. Delgado from Uni Huelva.
During the Master course Lubrication Technology at University of Huelva and during the Master course Tribology at Hamburg University of Appl. Sc. we organized two lecture days together. First topic was Rheology (fundamentals and grease rheology by Prof. Delgado) and second was Tribology (basics and grease tribology by Prof. Kuhn).
Afterwards, the students had to work together on assignments from given papers. Divided in three groups mixed of Spanisch and German students, they presented a number of slides with the jointly developed solution.
It was really a nice experience for teachers and students and a great academic cooperation between to european universities.
Auf der 7. Europäischen Tribologie Konferenz in Wien 2019 (ECOTRIB) erhielt unsere Doktorandin Frau Nazli Acar den Best Poster Award (hier die Verleihung an der HAW Hamburg). Auf dem Poster stellt Sie Ergebnisse ihrer wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen an komplett biogenen Schmierstoffproben vor.